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75 min
13:30 - 14:45 EET
09 Oct.
European Press Prize Community Event: Workshops Round 2 (closed event)
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How to kickstart a data-based cross-border investigation: Learning from Cities for Rent
Hosted by Cities for Rent & Arena for Journalism in Europe

Today, reporting on most important topics - from the pandemic and climate stories to following the money - requires some data skills and often also collaborating across borders. Yet, launching a data based cross-border investigation may look daunting: setting up the appropriate team, figuring out the right methodologies, coordinating the project... Not to mention all the data and visualisation work. But it can be done, and the rewards can be greater than the challenges.

In this workshop, we will use "Cities for Rent: Investigating Corporate Landlords Across Europe", as a case study to learn how to kickstart a data-based cross-border investigation. Launched and hosted by Arena for Journalism in Europe, Cities for Rent involved a diverse team of freelancers and staffers and small and big media from 16 countries, and the team had to build some of the key datasets from scratch. After discussing the lessons learnt at Cities for Rent, and how they apply to launching such an investigation, participants in the workshop will practice by taking the first steps towards setting up their own data-based cross-border project.

How to diversify your newsroom: collaboration as a mindset
Hosted by Hostwriter & Unbias The News

How journalists interact with international teammates greatly matters for the success of cross-border collaborations. The effects of implicit bias, lack of awareness about privileges, or the overall lack of diversity in the field of journalism have given priority to white, male, and western voices over others. This norm is in conflict with the traditional understanding of journalists as neutral, objective, and impartial observers of the world and risks omitting perspectives that are necessary for understanding the whole picture.

How does collaboration enable diversity? How do you reach out to more diverse journalists to work on collaborations? What does implicit bias mean for journalists working in cross-border teams? How do we get diverse sources in our stories? And in general, how to embrace a more inclusive approach for cross-border journalism and build trust in your team. These are some of the questions we will be exploring as part of this session, aiming to enable more self-awareness among journalists by critically questioning common stereotypes and biases seen in journalism today. The ultimate goal is to empower more diverse and accurate reporting.