
120 min
12:00 - 14:00 EET
08 Oct.
How any journalist can earn trust - Part 3
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This workshop will help you understand the common mistrust of media and gain a better understanding of what trust in news looks like around the world. It will also provide you with tips and tools to be more transparent, more engaged, and more open with your users by encouraging you to: Be part of the conversation. In the partisan world, we live in, you know you will likely receive criticism and accusations about your news coverage. Are you ready to respond? More importantly, are you prepared to engage with your audience by asking for and listening to their feedback? Correct the misunderstandings that drive some attitudes toward journalism. Learn how to correct misconceptions and assumptions about journalism while building trust in your work. Tell your own story. Learn how to differentiate your journalism from the rest and build trust in the process. Learn how you can discuss your standards for ethics and fairness with your users.
