
75 min
11:00 - 12:15 EET
09 Oct.
European Press Prize Community Event: Workshops Round 1 (closed event)
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What are the building blocks for successful cross-collaboration?
Hosted by The Guardian Foundation

In this conversation, facilitated by The Guardian Foundation, you will discuss the building blocks required for successful cross-collaboration. Whether that be across borders, disciplines or other perceived divides. You will make new connections, hear experiences of what works and what doesn’t, have space to explore new opportunities and leave with actionable insights.

Building a story ecosystem
Hosted by Are We Europe

In this interactive workshop, you will dive into the concept of transmedia storytelling and how to build an immersive ecosystem for your story. By now, all newspaper articles, tv documentaries or breaking news stories have a life online. But how can we truly use other formats and media to bring the essence of our story in different formats, for different audiences, with different experiences? How do you fuse concept, design, user experience and content? The workshop will provide key insights to take home with you and allow you to make new connections and brainstorm ideas together.