50 min
15:30 - 16:20 EET
28 Sep.
Main Hall
The toughest two questions: What's Media and what happens if journalists lie
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The trust of the audience never has been a more scarce or precious good. But systems of trust have traditionally been based on the concept of consequences: if there's a breach, there will be consequences. However, are there real consequences for malpractice or bad faith in Journalism? Are there effective safeguards for bad actors that have all the defining exterior features of a Media outlet, but their real business is the production and dissemination of disinformation?

Journalists and legitimate Media are rightly reluctant to be regulated beyond the traditional libel or defamation laws, because regulation have traditionally disguised an attempt to silence or manipulate them from power. We'd rather rely on self-regulation by our peers, but those mechanisms have usually proved ineffective to weed bad actors or generally bring any real consequences for bad behavior or bad intent. Our panelists bring different views and experiences on Media and Journalistic self-regulation and how to keep our own house in order to the benefit of the public and our own.

