An initiative of


20 min
13:00 - 13:20 EET
28 Sep.
Main Hall
Team Jorge (Story Killers) & DaaS: Going undercover to uncover the dark world of disinformation-as-a-service
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Omer Benjakob was part of the global Story Killers investigation organized and coordinated by Forbidden Stories, and was one of the three undercover reporters to discover and reveal Team Jorge, a disinformation/election-interference-as-a-service provider. The talk will focus on the undercover investigation conducted by Gur Megiddo of TheMarker, Frédéric Métézeau of Radio France and Benjakob of Haaretz, and how the collaborative efforts of over 30 reporters helped bring into the lift this never-before-seen industry. The talk will also focus on the technologies of disinformation these and other DaaS providers use to try to address the wider question of social media, fake news and the politics of facts online.
