50 min
16:10 - 17:00 EET
29 Sep.
Main Hall
Extreme weather: Newsrooms' strategies at the forefront of climate change coverage
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2023 has already marked its place in history as the hottest on record. We know that the future holds even greater challenges. In this panel, we'll talk to professionals who are on the front lines of covering the climate emergency. As our economies and way of life transform with the need to adapt to extreme events, newsrooms across major media outlets are consolidating their environment and climate change desks. In this conversation moderated by Pulitzer Center environmental investigations editor Gustavo Faleiros, audiences will explore how reporters prepare to tackle highly complex topics and strategies for engaging their audiences. What are the challenges of doing good field reporting on climate change? What is the role of an editor when leading a bureau dedicated to the climate emergency? You will also hear about opportunities for collaboration between journalists working in different regions of the world and the work done with scientific information and climate data.

Curation: Pulitzer Center
