50 min
13:10 - 14:00 EET
29 Sep.
Investigating the murder of a journalist in Greece: The impact of impunity
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Since 2010, Greece has witnessed the murders of two journalists: Giorgios Karaivaz (2021) and Sokratis Giolias (2010). Both cases remain unresolved today, joining a global trend of impunity for murders against journalists. United in the Safer World for the Truth-coalition, press freedom organizations Free Press Unlimited, the Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters without Borders, in collaboration with Greek journalists, have investigated the cold case of Sokratis Giolias. Their report raises questions about the inaction of authorities, and presents findings about the lack of investigation and the impact of the case on press freedom in Greece. In this session, representatives of the three organizations, joined by representatives of Greek media outlets, will present their findings and discuss the impact of impunity in both murder cases on the Greek media landscape.
