
50 min
17:30 - 18:20 EET
29 Sep.
The crisis of our century: Understanding water security and how to report on it
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Under the escalating pressures of climate change, water insecurity has become a critical dimension of not only global, regional, and local politics, but also a visceral and personal daily struggle for people throughout the world.

However, like much of climate change and science communication, creating effective, accessible, and engaging coverage of water insecurity is a difficult balancing act between technical analysis, sobering realities, and seismic global trends.

Multimedia longform journalism presents the opportunity to create immersive and memorable experiences that center and contextualize personal stories on a global stage. At the Center for Strategic and International Studies, creatives, journalists, and content experts collaborate to build effective and affecting multidimensional pieces on challenging topics like these to life.

In this session, CSIS’ Zane Swanson, associate fellow with the Global Food and Water Security Program, and Sarah Grace, senior digital content editor and a senior multimedia producer, will break down a recent water insecurity piece they collaborated on, with lessons for how to create the next generation of content through a combination of audience philosophy and practical digital tools.
