50 min
11:10 - 12:00 EET
29 Sep.
Main Hall
Tomorrow's newsroom: Essential competences and educational challenges for young journalists
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In an ever-evolving media landscape, the role of journalists remains critical in disseminating accurate and reliable information to the public. The session aims to explore the necessary skills and knowledge that aspiring journalists must possess to thrive in the dynamic world of journalism and to discuss the future of journalism education. This session is curated and presented by three academics and their students in three different journalism schools in Greece.

This session has been curated by Pantelis Vatikiotis, Nikos Panagiotou and Marina Rigou, faculty members at the Departments of Communication, Media & Culture at Panteion University, Communication & Mass Media at the University of Athens and Journalism & Mass Media Communication at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki respectively, in collaboration with the following students: Eleni Vardaki, Evangelia Giova, Maria Kapiri, Odysseas Kratsas, Yannis Kotzakioulafis, Angeliki Krokidi, Athanasia Spiliopoulou.
