
60 min
19:00 - 20:00 EET
30 Sep.
Main Hall
EPPisodes: Odyssey edition
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From the ocean’s depths to the Balkan’s road-side cafe, from family secrets and the hidden lives of migrants to pirates and hostages – experience the power of our storytellers, live on stage. EPPisodes is a format brought by the European Press Prize, that brings the journalistic stories from the Prize’s Community to life.

“No Man’s Island”, by Ioannis Papadopoulos

Forget Jack Sparrow - modern day pirates are back on the ocean with Kalashnikovs and polyester dinghies. Ioannis Papadopoulos found the sea-farers caught in the middle.

“The lives of others”, by Elena Stancu

It’s not the romance of the road. It’s real life. Elena Stancu packs up her van to explore the world of Romania’s migrant diaspora, traveling with them as they criss-cross Europe for work.

“The eye of the whale”, by Katarzyna Boni

When one animal looks at another – when a whale, say, looks at us – what do they see? Katarzyna Boni tries to get inside the whale’s eye to find out.

“Born Greek, made American”, by Katerina Bakogianni

It was a hit movie. It was a world-famous sketch by Picasso. Now, Katerina Bakogianni tells us what happened to the children left behind after one of the big moments of Greece's Cold War.

The session is inspired by the new podcast “Born Greek. Made American.” Premiering on October 5. Listen to the 1st episode exclusively at iMEdD’s podcast table during the Forum.

“Buses and borders”, by Ilir Gashi

As borders continue to divide the west Balkans, Ilir Gashi tells us how ordinary people still find ways to navigate through.

Curation: European Press Prize
