
60 min
16:30 - 17:30 EET
30 Sep.
Main Hall
Unveiling "TRAUMA": A deep dive into iMEdD's audio documentary
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This interactive session will delve into the audio documentary, "TRAUMA", produced by iMEdD. After a collective listening experience of the 35-minute audio documentary, creators and the audience will explore the documentary's insights and engage in further discussions about covering traumatic events and their long-lasting impact on society as a whole.

About the audio documentary:

"TRAUMA", produced by iMEdD, features interviews with survivors and relatives of victims who were affected by seven significant disasters and accidents in Greece from 1999 to the present. These testimonies consistently highlight a common theme: a widespread lack of trust in the government and a prevailing sense of impunity. This recurring pattern could be interpreted as “Freud’s concept” of the ‘repetition compulsion’, wherein society finds itself compelled to repeat certain behaviors and experiences.

*The session will be conducted in Greek. Simultaneous Greek-English interpretation will be provided via headphones, as well as in Greek sign language.
