
Sánchez Inzunza Alejandra

Sánchez Inzunza Alejandra

Director, Dromómanos

Alejandra Sánchez Inzunza is a co-founder and general director of Dromómanos, an independent producer of journalistic projects in Latin America. She has produced several long-form projects on violence, drug policy, and social issues in the region. Winner of the Ortega y Gasset Journalism Awards and of Mexico's National Journalism Award, Alejandra was named one of the 50 people transforming Mexico by the magazine Quién. She has co-authored the books Narcoamérica (Tusquets, 2015), Los 12 mexicanos más pobres (Planeta, 2016), Ciudades visibles (Editorial RM, 2016) and Colapso (Random House, 2022). Her stories have been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, El País, Vice News, Folha de S. Paulo, Reportagen, and Caravan, among others.