
Darline Cothière

Darline Cothière

Director of la Maison des Journalistes

Darline Cothière is currently the director of the Maison des journalistes in Paris, a unique structure in the world that welcomes, supports and accompanies journalists from the 4 corners of the world who have been persecuted in their country for telling the truth, informing their fellow citizens (

In this context, she has developed several programs to raise awareness among young people about press freedom and respect for fundamental values, in France and in other European cities. Darline Cothière has a doctorate in language sciences and is also involved in various international educational projects, notably with the International Organization of the Francophonie and France Education International. She is listed in the guide of "experts of the XX century" produced by the Club XXI in partnership with the Ministry of Culture. Darline Cothière is a medallist of the Senate of the French Republic and a knight of the Arts and Letters.