
Rodríguez-Alarcón Lucila

Rodríguez-Alarcón Lucila

Director, porCausa Foundation

Lucila Rodríguez-Alarcón is one of the four founders of the porCausa Foundation in Spain became its executive director in October 2016. In the last 20 years, Lucila has been involved in the creation and promotion of journalism networks and projects in many different way. She was Head of Media and Communications at Oxfam for Spain and Latin América. Furthermore, she worked as the Director of Communications in the city council of Madrid. She was co-founder of 3500 millones, about inequality and development in El País, where she had a daily column for 6 years. She left El País to direct Con M de Migraciones, a specialized section on Migration in the Spanish paper Público. Lucila joined the jury of n-o award program “Reporters in the Field” in 2017 and she is member of the PrepCom of the European Press Prize since 2019.