
International Joournalism Week Day 2 Saw 14 key topics around trust being explored
Oct. 7, 2022

International Journalism Week Day 2 wrapped up with a series of workshops, discussion sessions by organisations, a talk by Jamie Angus and an introspective discussion on journalism. Yesterday's programme featured workshops on tips and tools that can enhance transparency in journalism, the degrees of certainty and uncertainty in statistics, citizen-centred journalism, supporting and funding journalism projects and advice for the next generation of young professionals in the field.

Trust in Journalism in spotlight
Oct. 6, 2022

The first day of International Journalism Week 2022, organised by iMEdD, concluded with the participation of students, scientists and media professionals. The ‘Fourth Estate’ was placed under the microscope in a data-based discussion on its role as an independent monitor of power and on the loss of public trust in the media. Public and professional perceptions on the scope and practice of journalism were also explored, capturing the audience's interest.

Day of Democracy and Cultivating a Culture of Democracy
Oct. 2, 2022

In some significant ways, we have observed the decline of democracy across the world and at home in the United States. Reputable sources such as Freedom House and the Varieties of Democracy project highlight this along with the press covering this topic with such explicit statements such as “Democracy, are you OK?”

Get to know the speakers
Oct. 1, 2022

iMEdD's International Journalism Week will serve as a meeting point where renowned media professionals coming from around the globe will focus on the matter of trust in journalism. In the face of declining public trust, outstanding speakers with notable achievements and unique life experiences will encourage discussion by sharing their illuminating ideas and thought-provoking solutions.

The role of Open-Source Intelligence in digital investigations
Sept. 19, 2022

If we had to guess, we would wager that most investigations begin with a single Google search. Thanks to online tools, endless streams of information and data pave the way for hidden stories to be uncovered. With OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) techniques on the rise, the possibilities are not limited to verification and fact-checking but also extend to investigating crime, corruption, fraud and injustice.

Workshop registrations are now open - register online
Sept. 6, 2022

Only a month to go until International Journalism Week 2022 begins, to be held by iMEdD between October 5th and 9th at the Athens Music Conservatory.

European Press Prize Community Event 2022
March 28, 2022

The first European Press Prize Community event will take place in Athens after the entry submission period has opened for the European Press Prize 2023.

International Journalism Week 2022 by iMEdD: A Matter of Trust
March 24, 2022

5 days were international organizations, members of journalism, and the student community come together to share experiences, opinions, and knowledge.